BRep Simplification

BRep Simplification

B-Rep simplification is tool of Advanced Geometry Processing add-on that simplifies the geometry of B-Rep and mixed (B-Rep and polygonal) models. Features it can affect include holes, small bodies, internal non-visible faces and bodies, and also meshes:
  1. Hole remover 
    Removes blind and through holes. It searches and identifies geometric configurations that represent such holes and then attempts to remove them from the model.
  1. Internal faces remover
    Removes the portions of the model that are not visible from most angles from outside. It checks faces from multiple viewing angles and viewpoints, and deletes thev if they can't be seen from anywhere. Face-oriented approach allows to simplify the model the most, however, the model quality deteriorates - solid bodies turn into unclosed sheet bodies. Hence, the tool can also be configured to only delete whole bodies.
  1. Small bodies remover
    Removes bodies that are small compared to the entirety of the model. It measures sizes of bodies and removes those that don't exceed the threshold. Alternatively, it can operate in a bit more sophisticated mode that also considers the role of the body within the model. If the body is deemed to play a significant role in the model, it is not removed even when going under the threshold.
For more detailed information please refer to B-Rep Simplification article in our documentation
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