How to export from CAD Exchanger Lab with a modified extension
Some formats have multiple extensions: GL Transmission Format - GLB, GLTF; Initial Graphics Exchange Specification - IGS, IGES; STEP - STP, STEP, Parasolid - X_T, X_B; Universal Scene Description - USD, USDA, USDC, USDZ. In order to export a model ...
Model size limit
There isn't any file size limit in CAD Exchanger Lab. Still technically there can be a relative size limit depending on the PC`s hardware capabilities.
Axis orientation
CAD Exchanger uses a right-handed coordinate system having the OZ as an up axis. The recent CAD Exchanger versions have the "Use OY as Up axis" option. If it's enabled, the exported model will be re-oriented accordingly. It's accessible through Menu ...
Logging can be enabled as follows: Open the command prompt or the CAD Exchanger Batch. Go to the CAD Exchanger installation directory (e.g. cd C:/Program Files/CAD Exchanger/bin/). Note: when the CAD Exchanger Batch is used (not the Windows command ...
Why can't my model be processed?
The problem may stem either from CAD Exchanger or from the file you want to convert, but we won't be able to figure it out without reproducing the difficulties you're having, so please share your model for us to look into via this contact form. It ...
Does CAD Exchanger Lab require any CAD system to be installed?
CAD Exchanger is based on CAD Exchanger SDK, which is a self-contained set of libraries without dependencies on any CAD system API. Thus, there is no need to install any dependencies. System requirements can be found here.
Can I edit my model in CAD Exchanger Lab?
CAD Exchanger Lab is only intended to be a viewer and converter. Although transformation and colors of the model’s elements can be changed with its help, editing their geometry will require the CAD Exchanger SDK.
Can I edit PMI?
CAD Exchanger Lab only allows viewing and converting PMI, but not editing it.
How do I export only the needed parts instead of the whole model?
You can export only the elements you want by simply deselecting those you don't in the Scene graph (accessible through the "Structure" button at the top). Doing so will exclude them from the exported model. See partial export for more details.
When will the next CAD Exchanger Lab version be released?
We release a new version 8 times a year - 2 for each quarter, and announce each release via e-mail. All the changes and added new functionalities are listed in our changelog.