Web Toolkit
What's the difference between CDXFB and CDXWEB?
CDXWEB is a format that replaced its predecessor - CDXFB. Since we have a lot of customers that still use CDXFB models they created earlier, we decided that Web Toolkit should continue to support them. This implies usage of the universal reader - ...
Is it possible to save edits applied in Web Toolkit?
Web Toolkit add-on provides functionalities for visualization, analysis and export of 3D data in web browsers. However unfortunately since it's mostly a visualization tool, it doesn't allow editing. A user will be able to manipulate parts of the ...
How to change a selection color
Web Toolkit version 1.x There is an opportunity to change the selection color. In viewer.js you need to add a ModelData_ColorObject in ModelPrs_DisplayParams and add ModelPrs_DisplayParams into ModelPrs_DisplayerApplier This a small example how to do ...
Memory issues in browser
JavaScript does not allow forcibly releasing resources (memory). However, it is important to note that if a new scene is created when switching the model, then all objects in the old scene should be deleted using "scene.clear()". Most browsers have ...
Visualization requirements
There are no explicit requirements for the graphical environment on the PC, because browser capabilities are used for rendering. But "hardware accelerated rendering" setting can affect performance.
Screenshot generation
At the moment Web Toolkit has no API that allows to make screenshots, but a screenshot can be made using standard web API - HTMLCanvasElement: toBlob() method.